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Do you often stand in front of a generously stocked wardrobe thinking "I have nothing to wear"? Ahh, the case of the Ineedmoredrobe.

Do you change 19 times before heading out, then leave yourself no time to put the rejected threads back? A floordrobe is a real thing in your life.

Like Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses, do you have a wardrobe bulging at the seams, requiring a well co-ordinated, lightning-paced physical routine to get the doors closed?

It might be a rite of passage for a teenager to live in a throng of disorganisation where their wardrobe becomes a floordrobe and Mum is always there to pick up the pieces and maintain a sense of order, routine and organisation.

Blow out the candles on your 18th birthday cake and the rite of passage is over!

So how do you break the habit and metamorphosise into a well-balanced, organised individual?

There’s a thought that it takes 30 days to break a habit but you have to START somewhere...

Step One – Make your bed!

This is going to be your work space, so make the bed and clear the decks!

Step Two – You gut it, baby!

Depending on the size of your wardrobe and what lurks beneath, you may need to set aside a generous amount of time, without distraction (kids, television, Facebook and so on) to complete this task from beginning to end.

Remove all contents and group them into like piles...clothes - separate these out by garment type, shoes, accessories, jewellery, Christmas or birthday presents you’re hiding from the kids and anything else you happen to find along the way!

Step Three – Clean it

This is a great opportunity to give your wardrobe a vacuum clean, wipe down and airing and, if you're prone to silverfish or any other unwelcome inhabitants, spray with a surface spray to keep these at bay.

Allow your wardrobe to air before replacing items.

Step Four – Discrimination

While your wardrobe is airing, look at each and every item and be discriminatory – if it’s not clothing, footwear or an accessory, does it belong in the wardrobe? Is there a better place the item can be stored, perhaps where it would be put to better use or occupy less important real estate?

Grab some heavy duty garbage bags - three to start with - one for giveaways to family/friends, the second for charity and the third for a trash bag, aka the rag bag!

  • If you haven’t worn it in two years (yes TWO!)...let it go!

  • If you don’t love it...get rid of it!

  • If it doesn’t work well with other pieces in your wardrobe...move it on!

  • If it doesn’t’s a negative reminder that you're not that size anymore so unless you’ve actively started doing something to change that within the last week (not planning to do it tomorrow!)...then adios!

If you doubt your judgement or ability, this is the time to enlist a friend or family member, one with Judge Judy-like rationalism or a stylist to give you an honest opinion on whether something works for you or not.

It’s also a fun opportunity to experiment with clothing, mixing and matching pieces to create different looks and make that wardrobe work hard for you. The more time you allow, the more combinations you’ll create. Unless you’re a Real Housewife of (insert your city here) and can afford a new outfit for each underwear change, it’s in your best interest to be creative and make a new outfit from old clothes...they cost nothing!

Step Five – Wardrobe Tetris!

With the items you've decided to keep, assess quantities and determine the best way to store them in the space available to you for easy access. Liken it to a game of Tetris - use every nook and cranny wisely to be a winner.

Step Six – Smart storage

Get out and explore...there is a whole world of amazing storage options out there ranging from inexpensive boxes, shelving and hangers to a little more expensive ready-to-assemble shelving systems and, of course, custom-designed, wardrobe internals.

Still sounding overwhelming, too hard or too time consuming?

Hiring a personal organiser with styling ability will ensure the job is done and done well. They will be able to determine at a glance which garments work for you, your wardrobe and importantly your body shape, with the added bonus of showing you how to wear your garments in ways you’ve never dreamt. They can be discriminatory without having the emotional attachment to your collection of threads. A good one will also show you how to make money out of your discards.

Organised AND stylish? Stop it! It is possible.


Gold Coast, Brisbane & Northern New South Wales Stylist, Louise Chambers is available for personal styling, photo shoot & media styling, style workshops, fashion event MC bookings and media bookings.

Instagram: @stylechambers


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